International Journal of Merging Technology and Advanced Research in Computing (IJMTARC)

Instruction to Authors

IJMTARC Welcomes the original Research Article, Long papers, Short papers for the Issue of Sept 2019.

  • Manuscripts should be neatly typed Times New Roman font using a font size of 12 (MS Word /.doc format)
  • The language of the Journal is English. SI units should be used wherever possible. Other units, if used, should be given only in parentheses preceded by SI units.
  • Mathematical symbols should be typed and care should be taken to differentiate between similar characters (e.g. 1 and I), upper and lower case letters and superscripts and subscripts.
  • Margins :   Top 1.0?   Bottom 1.0? Left 1.0? Right 1.0?
  • Orientation : Portrait
    Font : Times New Roman / 12 pt
    Title of paper : 16 Point
    Heading : 14 Point
    Sub-heading : 12 Point (Bold)
    Spacing : Single line spacing
  • Body of the paper should be well organized into logical sections, sequentially numbered with all the sub-headings .
    The preferred order of contents should be as follows :

Title of the paper , Author (s) name (s), affiliation(s) and Corresponding Author (s) business address , Abstract of the paper in not more than 200 words along with 4 to 5 keywords, covering the objectives of the work, methods used, results obtained and conclusions reached , Acknowledgment , References & Appendices.

  • A list of references to already published work should be numbered sequentially in order of their citation in the text in the form of a numeral enclosed in square braces e.g. [2], and should be given at the end of the paper. All references appearing in the list should be indicated in the text. Unpublished articles or private communications should not be given in the reference list. Examples are given below for illustrations:

NY. Challal and H. Seba, "Group key Management Protocols: A Novel Taxonomy," Int'l J. Information Technology, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 105-118, 2006.

N. Shang, M. Nabeel, F. Paci, and E. Bertino, "A Privacy- Preserving Approach to Policy-Based Content Dissemination," Proc. IEEE 26th Int'l Conf. Data Eng. (ICDE '10), 2010 .

"Microsoft Windows CardSpace," en-us/library/aa480189.aspx, 2013.

"OpenID,", 2013.

  • Figures & Tables: Caption for the figures should be printed below the figures and numbered consecutively throughout the text. Tables should be placed closest to the text of citation and the title of the table to be printed on top of the table and numbered consecutively throughout the text.

    You can download the following format of the Paper and format your paper accordingly. Download Paper Format

    It is mandatory on the part of the corresponding author to furnish the following signed certificate at the time of submission of the manuscript for publication: Declaration from Author